President's Report
From the Desk of President Bill Winowiecki
Michigan Charter Boat Association (MCBA) Update
The 2024 charter season has officially started, with excellent reports of salmon up the West Coast of Lake Michigan. Lake trout are abundant from Frankfort north, and notably, we are seeing an increase in smaller lake trout.
Welcome Jeff Panich
I am pleased to welcome Jeff Panich as the new Northern Lake Huron Director. Jeff runs Fish Cop Charters out of Harrisville, is a Michigan Conservation Officer, and is a licensed Charter Captain. He replaces Rick Koecke, who has stepped down after many years of dedicated service. Thank you, Rick, for your service and advocacy.
Tribal Decree Appeal
The Coalition to Protect Michigan Resources is still processing affidavits and motions regarding the tribal decree appeal at the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati.
New Committee for Tribal Decree Compliance
The DNR Tribal Coordination unit and state fishing groups have formed the Tribal Co-management Citizens Advisory Committee (TCMFAC). This committee ensures compliance with the new Tribal Decree and will address any issues over the next 24 years. The first meeting was on April 18, 2024. Special thanks to Central Lake Michigan Director Mark Williams for chairing this committee.

Legislative Updates
On Commercial Fishing
- HB 5108–This bill aims to reform commercial fishing in Michigan’s Great Lakes, potentially increasing the harvest of sport fish. However, it is primarily designed to benefit the commercial fishing industry and is referred to as the ‘bad’ fishing bill.
- HB 5553:** This bill seeks to modernize commercial fishing laws while protecting sport-caught fish from commercial harvest. Supported by the MUCC, it is known as the ‘good’ fishing bill. The MUCC and MCBA may call on members for support as it progresses through the legislature.
Welcome New Board Members & Directors
Vice President:
Treasurer: 2024
N. Lk. Michigan
Central Lk. Michigan
S.Lk. Michigan
N Lk. Huron
Erie &St Clair
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